In-vitro Multiplication of Nagpur Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) Through STG

In-vitro Multiplication of Nagpur Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) Through STG

An attempt was made to standardize STG in Nagpur Mandarin. Maximum germination (88.7%), polyembryony (58.6%), shoot length (4.9cm) and root length (5.3cm) were found in Rough lemon rootstock. In explant multiplication, 1.0 mgl¯1 BAP + 0.5 mgl¯1 NAA combination was found superior as compared to other treatments. The treatment HgCl2 @ 0.1% for 11 minutes was found better treatment with respect to maximum survival of explants (82.0%). The maximum graft success of 53.3%, 40.0% and 43.3%, respectively, were observed over the rootstocks; namely, Carrizo (at 13 days old), Rangpur lime (at 14 days old) and Rough lemon (at 16 days old) used for the experiment. Maximum survival of grafted plants was there in hardening medium of vermiculite: cocopit: perlite: soil in equal proportion under polyhouse condition.

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