Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile EngineeringISSN: 2329-9568

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About Fashion History

The history of fashion design refers to the development of the fashion industry which designs clothing and accessories. The modern industry is based around firms or fashion houses run by individual designers, started in the 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth who was the first designer to have his label sewn into the garments that he created. The history of Western fashion is the story of the changing fashions in clothing for men and women in Europe and other countries under influence of the Western world, from the 12th century to the present. It is amazing to see how the different events in history have influenced and changed the way people have dressed throughout time. Some of the most popular fashions are classic, they can stand the test of time and hardly ever "go out of style", only experiencing minor changes to keep up with the trends. Other clothing items could be considered "fads", styles that are only popular for a short season and then never worn again. Often certain fashion trends are dependent on the tastes of particular groups of people or cliques and are usually associated with social status or cultural preferences like the type of music a person likes.

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