Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile EngineeringISSN: 2329-9568

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About Fibre Science

Fibre Science and Technology dwells on the science and technology of natural and man-made fibres. It integrates the vast subject domain from the viewpoint of material science and technology. Further, it accords a special reference to fibres and textiles, which constitute a major class of polymeric materials. It deals with the origin, structure and properties of the fibre and their use in a variety of conventional and non-conventional applications. It also focuses on surface modification of high-performance fibers for composites, novel techniques for fiber and polymer morphology studies, protective clothing for agricultural, industrial, and medical workers, electrostatic technique for fiber spinning, fully degradable "green" composites, reinforcement of cement concrete by fibers, synthesis of biologically active biodegradable fibers, role of free radicals in degradation of biodegradable fibers, novel chemical synthesis of degradable polymers, and fibers for tissue engineering and regeneration.

High Impact List of Articles