Journal of Computer Engineering & Information TechnologyISSN : 2324-9307

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About VLSI design and testing

VLSI, the Very Large Scale Integration is defined as the method in which integrated circuit is formed by the union of thousands of transistors into a single silicon semiconductor microchip. The technology of VLSI design from its defining to testing is VLSI design and testing.

VLSI Design includes Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems, VLSI architectures, synthesis and verification of integrated circuits and systems of any complexity, Embedded systems, High-level synthesis for VLSI systems, Logic synthesis and finite automata, Formal verification, Systems engineering and Heterogeneous systems.

VLSI have great impact on Algorithms, methods and tools for modeling, simulation, Testing, design-for-test and test generation algorithms, Physical design and Algorithms implemented in VLSI systems.

High Impact List of Articles