Journal of Physics Research and Applications

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Corrosion of Steels in HydrogenSulfide Media

Utilizing the inhomogeneity of temperature and stress status during heavy plate rolling, with controlled cooling, polygonal ferrite and quasi-polygonal ferrite with two grain sizes for each were obtained, and their precipitation status varied with different microstructures. GLEEBLE 3500 was used to investigate the influence of microstructure and precipitation status during high temperature tensile deformation. The results revealed that ferrite matrix microstructure and nucleation of precipitates were determined by the overall cooling process, while the final precipitation status was mainly determined by the cooling rate within the temperature range of precipitation during the subsequent isothermal process [1]. Also, dislocations and sub-boundaries acting as containers facilitated the growth of precipitates along some particular directions. Pre-existing substructures, such as low-angle boundaries and statistically-stored dislocations, along with small precipitates, influenced the formation of sub-grains and dislocation cells during high temperature deformation. These newly-generated substructures involved rotation or rearrangement of dislocations, and finally translated into recrystallized grains. Additionally, the grain size was closely related to the probability of interactional of sub-boundaries. Although the polygonal ferrite matrix showed more stable stress status, the quasi-polygonal ferrite matrix with fine precipitates and small grains exhibited better mechanical properties.

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