Effect of nitrogen and sulphur on growth, yield and quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

An experiment on response of sunflower to different levels of nitrogen and sulphur was conducted during kharif 2011. The increase in the plant height, number of leaves/ plant, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and stem girth were significant with each increment of nitrogen upto 120 kg/ha and sulphur upto 30 kg/ha. Application of 120 kg N/ha registered higher seed yield (2108 kg/ha) over 60 and 90 kg N/ha. Among the sulphur treatments, application of 30 kg S/ha recorded highest seed yield (2048 kg/ ha) over 0 and 15 kg S/ha. Application of 120 kg N/ha recorded maximum stalk yield (4072 kg/ha) over 60 and 90 kg N/ha, while the lowest stalk yield (3638 kg/ha) was observed in plots fertilized with 60 kg N/ha. Application of 30 kg S/ha recorded more stalk yield (4028 kg/ha), whereas low stalk yield (3696 kg/ha) was observed in plots with no sulphur application. Quality parameters viz., oil content, oil yield and protein yield were significantly higher with higher levels of nitrogen (120 kg/ha) and sulphur (30 kg/ ha).

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