Guduchi: Its Medicinal Properties
In Ayurvedic medicine Guduchi is considered to be one of the three Amrit plants. Amrit means nectar of gods; such are the qualities of this climber plant that in Sanskrit it is named as “Amritavalli”. Botanical name of Guduchi is Tinospora cordifolia. Guduchi is a well-documented in Ayurveda literature. It is used in multiple drug formulations. Ayurvedic practice without this herb may not be possible. It is useful in the promotion and restoration of health and in the treatment and curing of many diseases and known as Panacea (remedy) for all the diseases and disorders. Scientific studies also evaluate and confirm the insight beneficial properties of this medicinal herb like cardio protective, hepatoprotective, antiinflammatory, analgesic effect, confirms the Ayurvedic views of Guduchi as Rasayana and immunity booster. The present review involves the medicinal properties of Guduchi and its uses in Ayurveda.