Influence of artificial diets on the biology of Mallada boninensis (Okamoto)

The present investigation was carried out at Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur during the year 2004-05, with a view to standardize mass rearing techniques of Mallada boninensis. Attempts were made to evaluate the 10 artificial diets tested alongwith standard laboratory host (factitious host) i. e. eggs of Corcyra cephalonica. The least larval duration (8.90 days), highest larval weight (8.50 mg) at the end of last instar, maximum pupation (94%) with least pupation duration (7.98 days) and highest pupal weight (6.73 mg) were recorded on Corcyra eggs. Also lowest pre-mating period of 3.53 days and 1.09 h of mating period were recorded on Corcyra eggs. The highest male longevity of 46.30 days, highest fecundity of 295 eggs/female, minimum incubation period of 3.10 days with highest per cent viable eggs of 94% of M. boninensis were recorded on Corcyra eggs. While the minimum pre-oviposition period of 6.80 days was observed on Pushpalatha’s diet and Venkatesan’s diet-3, highest oviposition period of 50.50 days was recorded on Venkatesan’s diet-3, while highest female longevity of 55.89 days was recorded on Venkatesan’s diet-1. Considering all these aspects together standard laboratory host (inactivated eggs of Corcyra cephalonica) performed the best followed by Venkatesan’s diet-2, Proposed diet-3, Venkatesan’s diet-1, Proposed diet-1 and Pushpalatha’s diet. The predator grows faster on eggs of Corcyra than artificial diets.

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