Influence of different establishment methods on energy balance and economics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) crop

A experiment was conducted in the farmers’ field at Mottedoddi village, Ramanagara district during kharif 2009 with a view to study the effect of establishment methods and cultivars on energy balance and economics of the rice (Oryza sativa L.) crop. The results of the experiment revealed that among the different methods of establishment, system of rice intensification (SRI) method recorded lower input energy (12292 MJ/ha), higher net energy returns (123657 MJ/ha) and energy use efficiency (11.06) and conventional method recorded higher energy output (137246 MJ/ha), respectively, than other establishment methods. Regarding economics, aerobic method showed least cost of production (Rs. 16562/ha), SRI method recorded higher gross returns (Rs. 56620/ha), net returns (Rs. 38629/ha) and B : C ratio (2.15).

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