Plant population and nutrient needs of baby corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids

HM 4 plant population level of 83,333 plants/ha and the nutrient level of N187.5P32.75K62.5 recorded more baby corn yields with and without husk and green fodder yield. HM 4 also noticed more brix value than PEHM 2. Reduction in cob protein was noticed with increase in plant population from 66,666 to 83,333 plants/ha. Increasing plant population from 66,666 to 83,333 plants/ha considerably reduced available N, P and K contents in soil. However, contents of all these nutrients improved with each increase in nutrient levels from control to the highest dose of NPK. N, P and K uptake in baby corn and fodder was found maximum with application of N187.5P32.75K62.5 kg/ha. The net returns remained more with HM 4 and 83,333 plants/ha. There was substantial improvement in net returns with each increase in nutrient levels.

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