Frank William Arnold Author
Subjects of specialization
Hydrobiology ,Physiology of Marine Organisms,Fisheries Biology and Management,Marine Biology ,Marine Chemistry
Department of Marine Biology, University of Bergen, Germany
Frank William Arnold works at the Department of Marine Biology, University of Bergen, Germany Specialized in Hydrobiology, Hydrology, Marine Conversation, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry, Physiology of Marine Organisms, Fisheries Biology and Management.
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Author(s): Frank William Arnold
Corals consist of narrow layers or plates of calcium carbonate, also known as calcite or limestone. It is secreted by many soft-bodied animals known as Coral Polyps. Polyps have different size ranges; they may vary from a pinhead to a foot in length. Each polyp has a symbiotic relationship in which a host called zooxanthellae that gives coral its color. Zooxanthellae follow normal photosynthesis process and thus take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen and other essential nutrients which are used by the host polyp. The corals must be exposed to a sufficient amount of sunlight for their proper growth. In a nutshell, Coral Polyps may be defined as tiny, soft-bodied organisms that are related to jellyfish and sea anemones. Their base is composed of a hard and protective limestone skeleton... view moreĀ»