Maty Luna Author
Subjects of specialization
Hydrobiology , Physiology of Marine Organisms, Fisheries Biology and Management, Ecosystem Ecology, Global-Warming
Editorial Office, Climatology & Weather Forecasting, Belgium.
Maty Luna is professional in Climatology & Weather Forecasting, Belgium.
He is specialized in Physiology of Marine Organisms, Fisheries Biology and Management, Hydrobiology, Ecosystem Ecology, Global-Warming, ELNINO Effect,Coastal Meteorology.
Opinion Article Subscription
Author(s): Maty Luna
Underwater imaging is becoming more widely utilised to describe communities and ecosystems, as well as to assist in the creation and maintenance of marine protected areas. In the Raz Blanchard (Aldernez Race), a place in the English Channel characterised by high-energy hydrodynamics, we designed an underwater photography system to monitor the seafloor and benthic ecosystems. Despite the arduous conditions of acquisition, the underwater photos revealed the Raz Blanchard's seabed's heterogeneity.
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