Journal of Marine Biology & OceanographyISSN: 2324-8661

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Saad GA Author

Subjects of specialization
Hydrobiology ,Hydrology,Fisheries Biology and Management,Ecosystem Ecology,Marine Chemistry

Department of Biology, College of Medicine, Ad-Dammam University, Saudi Arabia, KSA.


Saad GA works at the Department of Biology, College of Medicine, Ad-Dammam University, Saudi Arabia, KSA. Specialized in Hydrobiology, Hydrology, Marine Conversation, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry, Fisheries Biology and Management.


Research Article Subscription

Searching for Radical Solutions against Fouling Communities Inhabiting the Arabian Gulf in Saudi Arabia


Saad GA, Hussein AB and Abu El-saad AM

Searching for Radical Solutions against Fouling Communities Inhabiting the Arabian Gulf in Saudi Arabia

Sea squirts produce pelagic larvae that spend few days in the plankton before settling and metamorphosing into their adult sessile forms. Attachment mechanism developed usually relies on highly viscous or solid adhesive secretions, which all contain specialized proteins and glycogen. Adult sea squirts of Ciona intestinalis, Molgula manhattensis, Ascidella aspersa and Phallusia nigra were sampled for 12 months from three estuarine localities of the Arabian Gulf (Ad-Dammam; Northern Khobar and Southern... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2324-8661.1000162

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