Zeng-Yei Hseu, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Agricultural Chemistry 
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Contact Zeng-Yei Hseu, PhD

Department / University Information


Dr. Zeng- Yei is a Professor, Pedology and Soil Environmental Quality in the department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan and serves as President, Chinese Soil and Fertilizer Society, Taipei, Taiwan. Prof. Zeng- Yei has completed his bachelor and doctoral degrees from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Prior to his arrival at the National Taiwan University, Zeng- Yei has research experience as Head of Department and Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Zeng-Yei Laboratory studies on different aspects of soil such as soil remediation techniques on cultivated soils contaminated by heavy metals, especially on phytoremediation and immobilization of trace elements, enhancing the methodology to establish the criteria and guidelines of soil quality, especially for heavy metals in soils, soil morphology, pedogenesis and classification, soil nutrient dynamics of subtropical forest ecosystem, enhancing the understanding of genetic processes of cultivated soils (rice-growing soils) and high mountains forest soils, especially on ultisols and spodosols, soil chronosequence, heavy metal dynamics and mineralogy of serpentine soil. He has been professionally associated with several research societies namely: Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Science (Taiwan), Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology, Scientifica (Hindawi Publishing Corporation), Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (Taylor & Francis).

Research Interest

Soil science and ecology Soil contamination and remediation Soil quality evaluation Soil morphology and genesis Nutrient cycling