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Young Research Forum, J Polym Sci Appl Vol: 3 Issue: 5

2020 Young Scientist Award of Biopolymers & Bioplastics Conference

Paola Fabbri

Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM), School of Engineering and Architecture, Bologna University, Italy, E-mail:

Keywords: Packaging

At last our conference named on “International Conference on Polymer Waste – Biopolymers & Bioplastics” held on October 23 - 24 Frankfurt, Germany hosted by Conference Series with the theme of “Reduce Reuse Recycle of Polymers in day to day life” was concluded with succesfull result with huge response.

Conference Series LLC LTD is an open resource platform that conducts 3000+ global events including International Conferences, Workshops, Symposia, Trade Shows, Exhibitions and Science Congresses in all the major scientific disciplines, including Clinical, Medical, pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology, Business Management and Life Sciences across America, Europe, The Middle East, and Asia Pacific. It is reaching over 25 million researchers, scholars, students, professionals and corporate entities all over the globe.

World renowned scientists, Noble laureates and scholars in their respective fields grace our events as keynote speakers, panel experts, and organizing committee members. Our speakers gain global visibility and recognition as we take them straight to the audience through live streaming that broadcasts your spoken words all over the globe instantaneously.

Main highlights of the conference:

• Biopolymers and Biomaterials.

• Biopolymers for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

• Ocean plastics.

• Green Composites and Biopolymers.

• Biodegradable Polymers.

• Biobased Thermosetting Polymers.

• Polymers Nanotechnology

• Bioplastics.

• Application of Bioplastics in Medicine.

• Biocomposite Materials.

• Natural Polymer-Advanced Polymers & its phenomenon.

• Plastic Fouling and Treatment.

• Contingency of Biopolymers.

• Imminent Ambits of Biopolymers.

• Bioplastic based on starch and cellulose nanocrystals from rice straw.

• Synthesis and Characterization of Biopolymers.

• Waste Management and Reuse Processes.

• Environmental Issues of recycling and Sustainability Models.

• production and Commercialization.

• Future and Scope for Biopolymers

We are enthusiastically put forward to organize “2nd World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics” Congress which will be held during 11th and 12th of November 2020 in Paris, France. The main theme of the conference is “Navigating towards New Technologies and Innovations in Biopolymers and Bioplastics” although we get wonderful response for our previous conference. It’s a pleasure to introduce forward step of our conference.

This Conference providing an opportunity for all eminent speakers Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, Students and Leaders from the fields of Polymer Science, plastics, Green technology, medical, and Biomaterials from all over the world to fulfill their network, and understand new scientific research innovations in Biopolymers and Bioplastics technology. It is also a sensational platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent advances, trends and concerns as well as practical challenges and solutions. It will also collaborate world-class Directors, Professors, Scientists and Researchers to discuss the multidisciplinary field with research and interests covering all aspects of recent Biopolymers and Bioplastics.

The Young Researcher Award is an initiative with the intention of supporting young researchers. This award recognizing for Masters\Ph.Ds.\ Post degree thesis work presentation who will present their projects and thesis that has been implemented to improve long run excellence within the field of Polymers & Bio-Polymers. The selection Process will be done by the Organizing Committee.

It is specially designed for postgraduate students(MSc,PhD…) designed to provide students with the opportunity to present their work in a friendly, supportive forum and to receive feedback from mentors and peers.

Other important skills: you need to be a good scientist includes scepticism, creativity, problem-solving, self-management, and objectivity.

Rules of Eligibility:

• Best Young Scientist Award

• Best Masters/Ph.D./Postdoc

• Learn more about career development & latest research tools and technologies.

• Foundation for collaboration among young researchers\scientists

• To interact and share ideas with all the eminent personalities

• Student fellowships

• Felicitated with Certificate

• Chance to attend other Allied conferences with discounted rates.

• Chance to meet experts in your field of expertise

• Chance to distribute full length papers in our supporting Journals


To recognises the fundamental importance of scientific research in the development of our understanding of the growth of forests and their value to society and our planet.


• Best Young Scientist Award

• Best Masters/Ph.D./Postdoc

• Learn more about career development & latest research tools and technologies.

• Foundation for collaboration among young researchers\scientists

• To interact and share ideas with all the eminent personalities

• Student fellowships

• Felicitated with Certificate

• Chance to attend other Allied conferences with discounted rates.

• Chance to meet experts in your field of expertise

• Chance to distribute full length papers in our supporting Journals

The Young Research Forum offers for all young researchers and scientists and students for possibility to meet and discuss about their own research topics and methodologies to share and develop their ideas, learn from each other and gain knowledge from eminent speakers.

Role of Young Scientist:

Young scientists will play an important role in today’s research and innovations systems. Understanding how young researchers can achieve and contribute to the knowledge landscape, and what obstacles they encounter within the process across the globe.

Participation in the symposium is open to all graduate students who are graduates in field of Polymer Science from certified universities. Applicants must be recent graduated students.

Our Conference Series categories seek to acknowledge Scientists, Researcher, Professor, Industrialists, and Students in various scientific fields who are making an outstanding contribution to the world of Science for the better and healthy future.

It would be an exposure to the young and enthusiastic researchers to explore the leading edge research and technology within the interdisciplinary approach. YRF will also give them an opportunity to strengthen their research also as academic network with other experts both in their core and interdisciplinary areas.

The application package must include:

• Updated Curriculum Vitae

• Course completion certificate

• Paper work for presentation

For more details about the conference please visit our website: Polymer Chemistry 2020

The conference also provides delegates/Listener opportunity to share and explore ideas and views in the area of Polymer Science. And avail group discounts on registration.

We do very much hope that you will be able to accept this invitation and looking forward to meet you in Paris.

Contact Person:
Lisa Jennifer | Program Manager

Polymer Chemistry 2020
Phone: +44 203 936 5566 – 7027
Whatsapp: +44-330-808-0342

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