Clinical Image, Int J Cardiovasc Res Vol: 8 Issue: 4
Left Ventricular Pseudo-Aneurysm after Ventricular Repair’s Rupture in Behcet Disease
A 21-year-old boy, with medical history of Behcet disease (BD) complicated by giant left ventricle pseudo aneurysm underwent in 2014 a surgical repair by patch closure, with good post-operative outcomes. He was admitted 3 years later with signs of congestive heart failure.
Cardiac magnetic resonance (Figure 1, Movie S1 and S2) showed severe hypokinetic dilated cardiomyopathy with important systolic dysfunction (EF=20%) and ventricular rupture at inferior wall due to patch’s dehiscence leading to a giant left ventricle pseudo aneurysm (95 × 49 mm), The patient was managed conservatively