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Short Communication, Rrpy Vol: 0 Issue: 0

Novel Therapeutic Agent Against Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Sheep Using Wild Ganoderma specie Based Petrolatum Paste in Nigeria

Shamaki, B. U

University of Maiduguri, Nigeria


There are claims of anticancer potentials of the wild Ganoderma sp that is currently undergoing research, however, most of these researches involved in vitro studies using cell lines. Methodology: A female sheep (Balami breed) was observed with cauliflower-like growth and histopathological analysis from skin biopsy revealed that it is Squamous cell carcinoma. Using a paste made from wild Ganoderma sp based jelly (6.7mg/ml), it was applied daily for two consecutive months on the specific growth areas. Results: the tumorous growth was observed to progressively regress following treatment, until completely cured after two months of topical application of the wild Ganoderma sp based paste. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that wild Ganoderma sp paste preparation alone can cure squamous cell carcinoma in sheep and may be a potential novel anticancer agent for veterinary use.

Keywords: Psychiatry, Psychology


Professor Bala Usman Shamaki graduated with Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) in 1995, and worked as Veterinary Research officer II, at the Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research (NITR) Vom, Plateau state Nigeria, and rose to become Ag. Head of Veterinary Livestock (VLS) in 2008, He acquired his M.Sc. Veterinary Pharmacology at Usumanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (2008) and was employed as Lecturer II in the then the Department of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology and Biochemistry University of Maiduguri. He graduated with PhD Pharmacology at University of Maiduguri in 2014. He is currently a Professor of Pharmacology in Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maiduguri. He has over 100 publications that were cited over 350 times and his publication H-index is 10 and has been serving as editorial board member of reputable journals.


• Shamaki, Bala & Geidam, Yaqub & F, Abdulrahma & Ogbe, A. & Sandabe, Umar. (2012). Evaluation of phytochemical constituents and in vitro antibacterial activity of organic solvent fractions of ganoderma lucidum methanolic extract. International Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. 1. 026-031.

• Abubakar, Abdulkadir & Iliyasu, Binta & Yusuf, Aminu & Igweh, Augustine & Onyekwelu, Nnennaya & Shamaki, Bala Usman & Afolayan, David & Ogbadoyi, Emmanuel Olofu. (2006). Antitrypanosomal And Haematological Effects Of Selected Nigerian Medicinal Plants In Wistar Rats. Biokemistri (ISSN: 0795-8080) Vol 17 Num 2. 17. 10.4314/biokem.v17i2.3259.

• Onyeyili, Patrick & Shamaki, Bala Usman. (2005). Odgovor glatkog mišiÃ?Â?a dvanaestnika na histamin i karbakol u tijeku infekcije bakterijom Escherichia coli u piliÃ?Â?a.. Veterinary Archives (; Vol.75 No.5..

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