Journal of Marine Biology & OceanographyISSN: 2324-8661

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Effect of functional alcoholic beverage with microalgae Chlorella vulgaris on the cortical spreading depression propagation in young-adult rat

Danielli MMD, Alfredo OG, Ranilson SB, Ricardo A G and Rubem CAG

Rural Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

: J Mar Biol Oceanogr


Recent advances on microalgae biotechnology show that these organisms possess many bioactive compounds such as antioxidants. Chlorella vulgaris, green microalgae, aiming to study its capacity in producing interesting biomolecules e.g., oil for biofuel production and antioxidants, which can play a protective role against oxidants in many human tissues. In this study, we analyzed the effect of a C. vulgaris hydroalcholic extract (a functional alcoholic beverage) on the brain by a cortical spreading depression (CSD) model in rats, which has been demonstrated previously that is affected by the presence of antioxidants. The C. vulgaris hydroalcoholic extract showed the percentage of inhibition of 77.2 % on DPPH scavenging radical assay. This functional alcoholic beverage at a concentration of 12.5mg microalgae per mL, significantly inhibited the CSD velocity in the brain (2.89 mmmin-1), when compared with cachaca treated and even below control (distilled water), 3.68 mmmin-1and 3.25 mmmin-1 respectively. Animals treated with microalgae extract gained less weight than alcohol and water groups. These data suggest that this functional alcoholic beverage play a physiologic role particular on the brain as a protective for effects of ethanol. More studies are being carried out to evaluate the mechanisms of C. vulgaris biomolecules physiologically in animal models.



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