Journal of Plant Physiology & PathologyISSN: 2329-955X

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Fungal spawn preparation and it’s cultivation for the making of mycofilters to remediate heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria from wastewater

Chandan Maurya

Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India

: J Plant Physiol Pathol


Statement of the Problem: Currently many countries like India are facing a three major challenges quality food, environment and Health. This problem are generally originated from one source which is increasing populations and its anthropogenic role on earth and our future generation. Today, around 80% of all wastewater is discharged into the world’s waterways where it creates health, environmental, climate-related hazards and also affecting our crops and farmers severely. Urbanisation further exacerbates this challenge with increasing wastewater generation. One of the major causes of toxicity. which commonly used in practice is inefficient sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent directly dumped into healthy rivers and wastewater surface runoff into river without prior treatment. Fungi have a potential to contribute a big role in upstream prevention of these toxicity. To overcome above problems macro fungi like mushrooms play a Recent 1. Significant role to reuse the wastewater through mycofiltration and recover the energy and nutrients from agriculture waste using as different substrates to grow mushrooms. In present study four different.


Chandan Maurya has shown immense discipline and attention to detail in his schooling. He has skills in mushroom cultivation, spawn production and water analysis in his latest research field. His others skills such as drafting a proposal, defending the proposed project, gathering materials and literature, implementing his findings, executing methods, analyzing data, and organizing it for publication, all with minimal aid and error. His skills go above and beyond the traditional start to finish of a project, his skills also include great communication with colleagues and superiors, but also a desire to aid upcoming students in his field. He has also shown exemplary work ethic and dedication over the course of his academic career and research field. He has so much to contribute to the future of science, and his ability to not only see a problem, but the intelligence and drive to find a way to fix that problem.


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