Journal of Plant Physiology & PathologyISSN: 2329-955X

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Influence of organic inputs on yield and quality of grapes cv. Muscat

M Rajkumar

Annamalai University, India

: J Plant Physiol Pathol


An experiment was conducted to study the “Influence of organic inputs on yield and quality characters of grapes cv. Muscat”. The various organic inputs were given as foliar application in the form of seaweed extract, humic acid, panchakavya, vermiwash, chitin at the rate of 0.1% and 0.5% at pea and marble stage. The vermiwash application @0.5% showed the best result in bunch length(cm), bunch width(cm), bunch weight(kg), bunch volume(g), number of bunches per vine, yield/vine(kg/ha) and yield/ hectare(t/ha). The same treatment vermiwash application @0.5% recorded the maximum reducing sugars(%), titrable acidity(1%), juice content(%), total soluble solids( °Brix) than other treatments. The maximum TSS (15.78) and total sugars(15.49%) was found in the T6(0.5% Vermiwash). This is mainly due to increase rate of translocation of photosynthetic products from leaves to developing fruits and thereby increasing the total sugars. It showed the maximum yield of (24.44t/ha) and also enhanced the shelf life by retaining grape berry in stalk for about 7 days from harvest.



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