Journal of Computer Engineering & Information TechnologyISSN : 2324-9307

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Multimedia security in big data era: Advances and open questions

Jiankun Hu

University of New South Wales, Australia

: J Comput Eng Inf Technol


Multimedia audio, video, and images have dominated the Internet traffic and also constituted the major applications in our daily life. Multimedia security has always been a concern in the community due to the issues of movie and music piracy, and privacy of medical images. Conventional cryptography can be applied to multimedia but additional challenges, such as real-time and efficiency must be addressed. With emerging multimedia applications such as peer-to-peer streaming, and 3D data, multimedia is embracing a big data era where security and privacy are facing new challenges. Most multimedia security surveys have focused on the aspect of issues related to data communication. In the big data era, cloud computing is becoming a major platform which needs attracting due attention in the multimedia community. This keynote speech will provide a report on the advances in the field and open research questions will be discussed. The focus will be placed on efficient algorithms for emerging multimedia applications such as 3D imaging, and cloud based applications including digital rights management.


Jiankun Hu is a Full Professor at School of Engineering and IT, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia. He has worked at Ruhr University Germany on German Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship1995-1996. He was a Research Fellow at Delft University of the Netherlands from 1997-1998 and Research Fellow at Melbourne University, Australia from 1998-1999. His main research interest is in the field of Cyber Security including Image Processing/Forensics and machine learning where he has published many papers in high quality journals. He has served at the prestigious Panel of Mathematics, Information and Computing Sciences (MIC), ARC ERA (The Excellence in Research for Australia) Evaluation Committee.


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