Benedict Michal Josef Campbell-Biezanek
Researcher, UK
: Res J Opt Photonics
In about 1921, following careful astronomical observations taken by Sir Arthur Eddington at Principe in 1919, Albert Einstein finally accepted that his General Theory of Relativity was correct. Einstein then realized that his Special Theory of Relativity must be nonsense because the relativistically invariant definition of the metre must be 1/c seconds, but space and time are definitely not the same thing, therefore c may not have a value of unity. Einstein subsequently declared the whole subject of relativity to be beyond him and unfathomable, but nobody (except for myself aged nine-years-old at the time) wanted to know that. Einstein then declined into relative obscurity and in 1955, he died a deeply unhappy man while presumably still worrying over this puzzle. In 1972, Clauser and Freedman confirmed the obvious facts about quantum entanglement and the consequent instant action at a distance. In 1980, the CIPM finally threw the towel in a defined the metre as 1/c seconds. But c may not be unity. What is the solution to this great puzzle? The answer turns out to be TOO EASY, but people want the solution to be too hard, but it isn’t even hard at all, therefore, they cannot solve such an easy puzzle with all of their hard solutions. In Quantum-Relativity we must regard history as moving backwards in time from an ever-static present. The proper units for time are the imaginary historic depth in i-seconds. The proper relativistically invariant value for c is 1/-1i. That is the solution to the puzzle. If you would like a longer explanation and a proof, there are about 100-pages of tutorial notes and diagrams on my website at https://www.gnqr.co.uk/ . The proper value for c-squared is minus one. Therefore, there is no contradiction between Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity and his General Theory of Relativity and Einstein died while worrying about nothing at all.
Dr. Benedict Michal Josef Campbell-Biezanek is 72-years-old; he is happily married (but also happily separated) with four sons and ten grandchildren. The author discovered the key solution that led to what he only now calls (The Gauss-Newton) Quantum-Relativity at nine years of age. It was too great a burden for a nineyear- old to deal with and the author decided to leave the issue until later in his life. The author became an electrical engineer with his own company designing and manufacturing highly specialized electronic instruments for the energy industry. In 2007, the author sold his company and at the age of 57, he took up the full-time theoretical work that led, as a mere byproduct of that overall work, to the development of what he now names as (The Gauss-Newton) Quantum-Relativity