Subretinal Cysticercosis

Kanhaiya Mittal

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India

: Int J Ophthalmic Pathol


A 27 year male referred from neurology department for optic disc edema and blurring of vision OD . He was a known case of disseminated neurocysticercosis diagnosed recently in view of recent onset headache and seizure. He had 20/40 Snellen acuity in OD and 20/20 OS. Anterior segment was unremarkable except very mild RAPD OD. OD fundus showed optic disc edema with pigmentary changes at fovea and a localised brownish mound of approximately 3X4 disc diameter in size in the superonasal quadrant anterior to equator with surrounding localised retinal detachment with spontaneous contractile movement of wall of mound. OS fundus was wnl. Echography showed an intravitreal though partially subretinal cystic lesion with hyperreflective dot within it. Clinically diagnosis of OD intravitreal cysticercosis with partial subretinal extension was made. Pars plana vitrectomy and cyst excision intoto was done. Laser barrage was done around defect and 14% SF6 was injected. Four weeks Post-op patient had 20/60 vision, retina attached. Patient is on follow up. Ocular Cysticercosis is still common in developing countries like India mainly due to unhygienic conditions. Extraocular cysts are far more common. For intraocular cyst in posterior segment surgery is treatment of choice.


Dr Kanhaiya Mittal is Senior resident in vitreo-retina, uvea and ROP services at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India. He has completed his MD and FICO.

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