Journal of Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery ResearchISSN: 2325-9604

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The critical importance of new generation government engagement navigating government healthcare reforms and their impact in USA, Europe, Turkey & emerging markets

Yavuz S Silay

MaQasid Angel Investors Network, Turkey

: J Pharm Drug Deliv Res


Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Medical Device companies are constantly evaluating how decisions at the US ,Europe, Turkey and emerging markets are taken at the federal and state level and how it will impact provider and patient access and coverage to their therapies. To gain these critical insights, Government Affairs & Medical affairs teams require speaking with those on the frontlines of healthcare delivery - physicians, allied healthcare professionals, payers, and patients. New generation government engagement and commercial diplomacy approach developed by ICG ( Istanbul Consulting Group) International Dealings will be provided with unique cases.


Yavuz S Silay is the Co-Founder & CEO of MAIN(MaQasid Angel Investors Network) & chairman of Istanbul Consulting Group. ICG(Istanbul Consulting Group) which was founded in 2013 and provided guidance to the Turkish ministry of health as part of a World Bank project. Yavuz is currently the Co-Founder of BioCube Ä°stanbul Bioentrepreneurship & Innovation Center and Corporate Communication Director of Sumitomo Group/ Expel Ä°laç Archem Diagnostices Endmed and Diagen.

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