Journal of Molecular Biology and Methods

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About DNA sequencing

DNA sequencing is the way toward deciding the sequence of nucleotides (As, Ts, Cs, and Gs) in a piece of DNA. It incorporates any technique or innovation that is utilized to decide the oder of the four bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. The appearance of fast DNA sequencing techniques has extraordinarily quickened natural and therapeutic research and revelation. DNA sequencing is a strategy used to decide the exact request of the four nucleotide bases – adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine - that make up a strand of DNA. These bases give the hidden hereditary premise (the genotype) for guiding a cell, where to go and what sort of cell to turn into (the phenotype). Nucleotides are not by any means the only determinants of phenotypes, yet are basic to their development. Every person and life form has a particular nucleotide base arrangement. In Sanger sequencing, the objective DNA is duplicated commonly, making sections of various lengths. Fluorescent "chain eliminator" nucleotides mark the ends of the sections and enable the grouping to be resolved. Next-gen sequencing procedures are new, extensive scale approaches that expansion the speed and lessen the expense of DNA sequencing.

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