Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging DrugsISSN: 2380-9477

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About Drug Delivery

Drug delivery is the process of delivery of drugs to target sites of pharmacological actions for achieving a therapeutic effect in humans or animals. It control the rate at which a drug is released and the location in the body where it is release. The use of nanotechnology in drug development is the developing process where the nanoparticles used to deliver the drug to the particular cell which is diseased. By this technology the particles which are engineered in such a way that they can attract to the diseased cell and allows treatment to the particular cell directly. Through this unique technique can minimize the damage of healthy cells in the body. Drug delivery refers to approaches, formulations, and transporting a drug compound in the body as needed to administer a safety and therapeutic effect. It may induces site-targeting within the body, or it may involve facilitating systemic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties i.e., administration, metabolism, excretion etc.

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