Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging DrugsISSN: 2380-9477

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About Drug Discovery

Drug discovery is the process to identify new medications for bringing the disease to a safe and effective new treatment to patients. Design new drug involves the identification of screening hits, medicinal chemistry and optimization of those hits to increase the affinity, selectivity, efficacy, metabolic stability and oral bioavailability. Drug Designing is to provide a forum for publishing new findings on drug discovery and its related fields. The process of drug discovery requires integration of biochemical and genetic tests to analyze the effects of drug molecules on biological systems. Comparative proteomic/lipidomic methods have identified a large number of differentially expressed novel proteins and lipids that can be used as prominent biomarkers for disease classification and drug resistance. Drug design is an splendid inventive process of new medication on the basis of biological target. It is also known as rational drug design or rational design. That is the invention in medical history in order to yield significant therapeutic response. The drug is an organic molecule, when it is bind to target site it can either inhibit or activate the function of a biomolecule which results in therapeutic benefit. The drug design involves the design of such molecules that are similar to the bio molecular target site in shape and charge in order to bind to it. Drug design relies on the knowledge of the three dimensional structure of bimolecular targets.

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