Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging DrugsISSN: 2380-9477

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About Drug Intoxication

Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of drugs and chemicals on biological systems. Drug intoxication is the physical state in which impairment is caused after exposing to a drug. Drug intoxication can have mental effects also. Detoxification (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including, but not limited to, the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver. There are many types of detoxifications are there like alcohol detoxification, Drug detoxification, Metabolic detoxification and many more. Pharmaceutical Toxicology explains the methodology and requirements of pre-clinical safety assessments of new medicines. With the focus on medicinal drugs, the most important safety issues of drugs are covered. This includes registration requirements of new drugs and pharmacovigilance.

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