Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging DrugsISSN: 2380-9477

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About Drug Therapy

Drug therapy, is a process used to treat disease. In this process drugs interact with receptors or enzymes in cells to promote healthy functioning and reduce or cure illness. It is also known as pharmacotherapy. Drugs interact with receptors or enzymes in cells to promote healthy functioning and reduce or cure illness. Pharmacotherapy is the treatment of disease through the administration of drugs. As such, it is considered part of the larger category of therapy. Pharmacists are experts in pharmacotherapy and are responsible for ensuring the safe, appropriate, and economical use of medicines. The skills required to function as a pharmacist require knowledge, training and experience in biomedical, pharmaceutical and clinical sciences. As pharmacotherapy specialists, pharmacists have responsibility for direct patient care, often functioning as a member of a multidisciplinary team, and acting as the primary source of drug-related information for other healthcare professionals

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