Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism

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About Dyslipidaemia

Dyslipidaemia is an abnormal amount of lipids in the blood level.

Dyslipidaemia is a medical condition characterized by abnormal levels of lipids (cholesterol and/or triglycerides) in the blood. Specifically, it refers to high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and/or low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ("good" cholesterol), as well as elevated levels of triglycerides.

Dyslipidaemia is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes. Other health conditions associated with dyslipidaemia include fatty liver disease, pancreatitis, and diabetes.

The causes of dyslipidaemia can be multifactorial and include genetic factors, dietary habits, physical inactivity, and underlying medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, kidney disease, and diabetes. Lifestyle modifications, including a healthy diet, regular exercise, and smoking cessation, are recommended as the first line of treatment for dyslipidaemia. In some cases, medications such as statins or fibrates may be prescribed to help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Prevention and management of dyslipidaemia are important for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and other associated health complications. Regular monitoring of lipid levels and working with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan can help individuals with dyslipidaemia to maintain good health and reduce their risk of future health problems.

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