Expert Opinion on Environmental BiologyISSN: 2325-9655

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About Environmental Biotechnology

Study of natural environment is known as Environmental biotechnology. The development, use and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environments and for environment-friendly processes are also known as environmental biotechnology as per The International Society for Environmental Biotechnology. Optimal use of nature is called as environmental biotechnology. Environmental Biotechnology, a sub discipline of Biotechnology is the application of biotechnology used to study the natural environment. It is useful in treating waste water and preventing pollution. Environmental biotechnology is more efficient in cleaning up wastes than conventional methods. Bioremediation is the broadest application employed by Environmental engineers to clean up the environment. They either add the nutrients to the soil at waste site that stimulate the activity of bacteria or add new bacteria to the soil that digest the waste and clean up the site. Bioremediation is an interesting area of Environmental biotechnology; its applications are vast and reliable.

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