Journal of Immunological Techniques & Infectious Diseases ISSN: 2329-9541

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About Immune Responses

DNA vaccines are considered the best approach to induce both humoral and cellular responses and also have the ability to provoke immune responses against the wide range of pathogenic strains. For further benefits from DNA vaccines, immunomodulators such as cytokines and other co-stimulatory molecules can be utilised for the development of much safer, effective and low cost DNA vaccines. DNA vaccines have proven their efficiency against a number of pathogenic targets including influenza, Chikungunya (CHIKV) disease and infectious bursal disease (IBD). In literature, it has been observed that DNA vaccines provide a promising platform for the immunisation against many viral diseases, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), influenza and Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The immune responses generated by DNA vaccines are highly specific and sustained. Mainly vaccination produces antibody dependent immune response and saving millions of lives every year.

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