Journal of Medical Toxicology Research

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About Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology

Reproductive Toxicology is a study of the adverse effect of an exogenous agent on embryo, fetus, neonate and pre-pubertal mammal and the adult reproductive and neuroendocrine systems. Reproductive Toxicity includes an effect on male fertility, female fertility, parturition, and lactation. Side effect of the reproductive toxicity in females  areReduced fertility, Delayed Puberty, Neurobehavioral problems, Premature birth, Childhood cancer, Birth defects, Spontaneous abortion, Menstrual disorders. Aims of the Reproductive toxicology are to predict the adverse effects of chemicals and medicines on the ability of man to reproduce by assessing effects in animals. The substance that causes the developmental toxicity from developing stage to birth is called teratogens. In 1995, major developmental defects accounted for approximately 70% of neonatal deaths and 22% of the 6,500 deaths of infants (before 15 months of age) in the United States (March, 1999). Approximately 30% of admissions to pediatric hospitals are for health problems associated with such defects. Developmental toxicity is caused by drugs, lifestyle factors such as alcohol, diet, physical factors or chemical factors.

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