Journal of Womens Health, Issues and CareISSN: 2325-9795

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A Critical Review of Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria Relative to the Theories and Principles of Public Health

Abortion has been a great challenge in developing countries like Nigeria due to restrictive abortion laws. Quackery practices have increased mortality and thus made abortion unsafe and lifethreatening. Currently, about 75% of global maternal deaths are due to unsafe abortion. Incidence of abortion in Nigeria is likened to lack of adequate health care resources and infrastructure, restrictive abortion laws and religious beliefs. This review explored a few pieces of research revealing population perspectives and social justices relating to unsafe abortion in Nigeria. Based on their outcomes, challenges, and recommendations, unsafe abortion risks are perceived as preventable and controllable and can be achieved through community and behavioural changes which could involve adaptation to both global responses to international programs and policies. To achieve this, culture and religion will also play an influential role as Nigeria is multi-cultural and has different religion.

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