Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile EngineeringISSN: 2329-9568

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Relationship between Aesthetics and Fit of Women’s wear Designs in Hong Kong

Consumers primarily consider aesthetics and fit when selecting a garment. These two elements also affect a garment’s ease allowance. This study investigated the relationship between the aesthetics and fit of women’s wear designs in Hong Kong through the manipulation of ease allowances. Questionnaire and experimental methods were adopted in this study targeting 18–30-year-old Hong Kong women. Specifically, the participants’ evaluations of the aesthetics and fit of medium-sized tops were analysed. The questionnaire and experimental findings indicated that participants preferred aesthetically pleasing clothing even if it came at the cost of comfort (e.g., if a piece of clothing highlighted their figure but at the cost of being uncomfortably tight).

In summary, characterising female fashion consumers is complex because not all women consider the same body figures and images ideal. Some women prefer garments with a smaller amount of ease allowance to make them look slim and sexy, whereas others prefer a greater ease allowance to emphasise comfort in their top selection; others still seek a balance between aesthetics and fit. Therefore, ease allowance manipulation should be determined according not only to anthropometric measurements but also such psychological considerations.

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