Arcady A Putilov

 Department of biophysics and bioengineering,

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia

Contact Arcady A Putilov


 Dr. Arcady A. Putilov received his 1st PhD (Doctoral Candidate in Biol. Sciences) in animal and human physiology from the Institute of Physiology (Novosibirsk, Russia), and 2nd PhD (Doctor in Biol. Sciences) in normal physiology from Siberian Medical University (Tomsk, Russia). He is experienced in research of various rhythmic processes in physiology, biochemistry, zoology, psychology and psychiatry, and his other research interests include sleep regulation and somnology, electrophysiology, personality, individual differences, evolutionary psychology, and history of science. Since 1973, he authored more than 200 publications including articles in peer reviewed international journals (Chronobiology International, Neuropsychopharmacology, Physyology & Behavior, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, Clinical Neurophysiology, Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Individual Differences, Journal of Individual Differences, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Journal of Psychophysiology, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, Sleep and Biological Rhythms, Sleep Science, Biological Rhythm Research, Somnologie, Current Aging Science, World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Psychiatry Research, Psychopathology, etc.). The results of his early researches on rhythmic phenomena were summarized in the monograph in Russian, Systemforming Function of Synchronization in the Living Nature (1987). His more recent results on individual differences were reported in the monograph Geometry of Individual Variation in Personality and Sleep-Wake Adaptability (Nova Science Pub Inc: New York, 2010). He also wrote in Russian for the general public about sleep, biological rhythms, and seasonal depression (e.g., "Larks", "Owls" and Other…, 1987, 1st edn; 2003, 2nd edn; and 2005, 3rd edn), and about history of evolutionary psychology (e.g., Evolution of psychology: history of basic psychological and biological theories in the mirror of evolutionary psychology).

Research Interest

 Neuroscience, Neurology, Neurological Disorders, Electroencephalogram, Sleep Medicine, Hypersomnia, Sleep Paralysis, Sleepwalking, Narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior disorder, Restless legs syndrome, Snoring, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, Parkinson's disease