Cristina Ortega Nuere is Director of the Institute of Leisure Studies of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Deusto, Bilbao. At present, she is Member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the World Leisure Association WL. She is also the Chair of ENCATC’s Policy Group Monitors of Culture. Doctor in Leisure and Human Development –awarded with the extraordinary Prize to the Best PH-D Thesis Ignacio Ellacuría, with a Master degree in Leisure Management, and specialized in Cultural Management, she graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy from the University of Deusto and completed her studies in London, Middlesex and at Westminster University. She is professor at the University of Deusto teaching in the PhD programme in Leisure and Human Development and in several other masters (Master Erasmus Mundus Euro-culture, Master in Management of Leisure Projects, Master in Organization of Events). She has been ENCATC President for the last 4 years, the Leading European Network of Cultural Policies and Management Education and Research-partner of UNESCO; and Member of the Basque Council of Culture of the Basque Government. Her area of specialization is cultural policies, leisure, wellbeing and human development.
Research Interest
Festivals; Celebrations; Festive leisure experiences; Perceptions of festivals; Revaluation of leisure; Festivals phases; Transformation of festivals; Festivals for all citizens; Accessibility and inclusion in festivals