Dr. Eric Marchand is a professor at University of Rennes 1, Graduate School of Rennes engineers.
After a PhD in computer prepared in the TEMIS project at the IRISA and sustained in 1996 at the University of Rennes 1, he stayed a year as a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Artificial Yale University in 1996-1997 before joining the INRIA as a research fellow (1997-2009) in the Vista project and Lagadic to IRISA-INRIA Rennes. I supported a habilitation research university of computer of Rennes 1 in November 2004. Since November 2009, I am a professor in computer science at the University of Rennes 1 and he teach mainly at the Graduate School engineers Rennes (ESIR) where he is responsible for the sector "Digital Image".
My research focuses on computer vision, visual servoing. For some years I am interested primarily in the direct visual servo techniques, tracking of objects (robust monitoring, precise, real-time) for robotics applications (nuclear environments, underwater, space, micro-robotics) or for the augmented reality.
Research Interest
Robotic, Vision and Sleep Disorders