Ranjan Das was born on 29th of September, 1966 in Assam (India). He obtained his B.Sc.(Agri) and M.Sc.(Agri), Crop Physiology in 1990 & 1994 respectively from the Faculty of Agriculture, AssamAgricultural University. He served as a Project Scientist in the Assam Remote Sensing Application centre,Guwahati, Assamfor three years till March, 1996. Then, joined Assam Agricutural University as Assistant Professor in September, 1996.The he was deputed for higher studies at Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.During his studies, he demonstrated accomplished his research works on Global Climate change and Stress Physiology. Currently he is working extensively on crop response to climate change, carbon sequestration, limiting water and production physiology for sustainable development with thrust areas on Screening of drought tolerant rice cultivars for climate resilient agriculture, Impact of High temperature and elevated CO2 on different crops like chilli, brassica, rice, bamboo etc, Tapping of carbon dioxide in rice ecosystem through Azolla cultivation. Dr. Das has thirty ninepublications in the National and International peer reviewed journals to his credit. Served as Zonal secretary (Eastern zone), for 2007-2009, 2010-2012, Indian Society for Plant Physiology- an International journal. Dr. Das has been often invited to deliver talks in various national seminars and workshops.
Dr Das is also actively involved in various institution building activities of the University. Acted as Course Director of ICAR sponsored summer institute on “Climate variability and its impact on crop production–physiological perspective towards mitigation strategies” held from 23rd August to 12thSeptember, 2011 at Assam Agricultural University and Convenor of Thematic meeting on Application of Radiation Technology and radioisotope in the field of Agriculture, Food and Health” held from May 28th to 30th, 2014
Research Interest
Agriculture, crop breeding, horticulture, post harvesting, plant genes,Plant genomics
The Impact of Institutional Trust and Self Efficacy on Travel Choices of Outbound Tourists
Research Article: J Tourism Res Hospitality
Xiaofei Tang, Bing Sun and Huimin Tan*