International Journal of Ophthalmic PathologyISSN: 2324-8599

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Case Report, Int J Ophthalmic Pathol Vol: 3 Issue: 2

Conjunctival Kaposi Sarcoma Revealing HIV Infection

Amel Chebbi1*, Houda Lajmi1, Imen Abbes2, Ines Malek1, Imen Zeghal1, Karima MRAD2, Hedi Bouguila1 and Leila Nacef1
1Department of ophthalmology, Hedi Raeïs Institute, Tunis, Tunisia
2Department of Pathology, Salah Azaeïz Institute, Tunis, Tunisia
Corresponding author : Amel Chebbi
Department of ophthalmology, Hedi Raeïs Institute, Tunis
Tel: +216 24960828
Received: May 13, 2014 Accepted: July 01, 2014 Published: July 04, 2014
Citation: Chebbi A, Lajmi H, Abbes I, Malek I, Zeghal I, et al. (2014) Conjunctival Kaposi Sarcoma Revealing HIV Infection. J Ophthalmic Pathol 3:2. doi:10.4172/2324-8599.1000135


Kaposi’s sarcoma is a rare condition due to HHV8 viral infection which is common in patients with AIDS. Ocular location is rare and conjunctival forms represent 7 to 18%. It usually occurs in the context of a multicentre disease. Isolated ocular involvement is extremely rare. We report a case of a woman with a Kaposi’s sarcoma of the bulbar conjunctiva that revealed infection with human immunodeficiency virus.

Keywords: Kaposi's sarcoma; HHV-8; Conjunctival tumor; Histopathology; Highly active antiretroviral therapy

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