Journal of Clinical & Experimental OncologyISSN: 2324-9110

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Perspective,  J Clin Exp Onco Vol: 13 Issue: 1

Assessing Basal Cell Carcinoma: Mechanisms of Development and Impact on the Body

Huan Riessel*

1Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, United States of America

*Corresponding Author: Huan Riessel,
Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, United States of America

Received date: 23 January, 2024, Manuscript No. JCEOG-24-130938;

Editor assigned date: 25 January, 2024, PreQC No. JCEOG-24-130938 (PQ);

Reviewed date: 08 February, 2024, QC No. JCEOG-24-130938;

Revised date: 15 February, 2024, Manuscript No. JCEOG-24-130938 (R);

Published date: 23 February, 2024, DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000388

Citation: Riessel H (2024) Assessing Basal Cell Carcinoma: Mechanisms of Development and Impact on the Body. J Clin Exp Oncol 13:1.


Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) stands as the most prevalent form of skin cancer worldwide, representing a significant public health concern. Understanding the complex mechanisms driving its development is paramount in devising effective prevention strategies and treatments. It delves into the underlying mechanisms of BCC formation and its impact on the body. Basal Cell Carcinoma originates in the basal cells, which are found in the deepest layer of the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. These cells play an essential role in skin regeneration and maintenance. When exposed to certain triggers, such as UV radiation from sunlight, genetic mutations occur in these basal cells, leading to uncontrolled growth and tumor formation.

Prolonged exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight is the primary risk factor for BCC. UV radiation damages the DNA within basal cells, causing mutations that disrupt the normal cell cycle regulation. Individuals with a family history of BCC or genetic disorders such as Gorlin syndrome are at a higher risk. In these cases, inherited mutations make individuals more susceptible to developing BCC upon exposure to environmental triggers. Mutations in tumor suppressor genes, such as Patched 1 (PTCH1) and Tumor Protein p53 (TP53), are commonly associated with BCC. These genes normally regulate cell growth and prevent the formation of tumors. However, mutations in these genes disable their tumor-suppressing functions, allowing basal cells to proliferate uncontrollably.

The Hedgehog signaling pathway plays a key role in embryonic development and tissue regeneration. Aberrant activation of this pathway due to mutations in PTCH1 or contributes to the development of BCC. Dysregulated Hedgehog signaling promotes cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis, leading to tumor formation. BCC typically manifests as a painless, slow-growing lesion on sun-exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, and ears Smoothened (SMO) genes. Although it rarely metastasizes or spreads to distant organs, untreated BCC can cause disfigurement and destruction of surrounding tissues, including bone and cartilage. The visible nature of BCC lesions can have profound psychological effects on individuals, leading to feelings of self-consciousness, anxiety, and depression. Addressing the psychosocial aspects of BCC is essential in providing comprehensive patient care.

Despite successful treatment, BCC has a high risk of recurrence, particularly in individuals with multiple or aggressive tumors. Regular skin examinations and ongoing surveillance are necessary to detect and manage recurrent lesions promptly. While BCC rarely metastasizes, advanced or neglected cases may exhibit aggressive behavior and spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs. Metastatic BCC poses significant challenges in treatment and prognosis, enhancing the importance of early detection and intervention. Dermatologists examine skin lesions for characteristic features of BCC, such as pearly or translucent nodules, ulceration, and rolled edges.

Digital dermoscopy, using a specialized handheld device, enhances visualization and aids in lesion assessment. A skin biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosing BCC. During a biopsy, a sample of the suspicious lesion is removed and examined under a microscope by a pathologist. Different biopsy techniques include shave biopsy, punch biopsy, and excisional biopsy, depending on the size and location of the lesion.


Basal Cell Carcinoma represents a complex interplay of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and molecular pathways. Understanding the mechanisms driving its development and its impact on the body is important for healthcare professionals in devising specific prevention strategies, early detection methods, and effective treatment modalities. By raising awareness and promoting sun-safe behaviors, one can strive towards reducing the burden of BCC and improving outcomes for affected individuals.

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