Analgesia & Resuscitation : Current ResearchISSN: 2324-903X

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Short Communication, Analg Resusc Curr Res Vol: 5 Issue: 1

Cupping Therapy: Well Forgotten Therapy

 Zubair Ghani and Mohammed M
Department of Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Department of Animal Science, Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad
Corresponding author : Mohammed M
Department of Animal Science, Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad
Tel: +91 9533310779
Received: May 18, 2016 Accepted: May 27, 2016 Published: June 03, 2016
Citation: Ghani Z, Mohammed M (2016) Cupping Therapy: Well Forgotten Therapy. Analg Resusc: Curr Res 5:1. doi:10.4172/2324-903X.1000140


Cupping Therapy: Well Forgotten Therapy

Cupping is an old conventional pain therapy is used to heal the various health issues which include the pain. This systematic short commentary assessed the importance of the cupping therapy and safety of cupping for different types of pain. In the present study, carried out in the year between 2010 - 2012 the number pupil undertaking these unique therapies which had as long term effects in the rejuvenation of cell or blood purification whether cupping has long-term effects. After two years of demographic studies state that nearly about, 34.1% of the patients has reported a reduction in pain intensity of >30%. In present research based on this study may involve subgroup which can use of use of a type of cupping used which are based on the location, sex type of the participant which are using the cupping therapy to heel

Keywords: Cupping; Pain intensity; Rejuvenation; Dry cupping

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