Journal of Spine & NeurosurgeryISSN: 2325-9701

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Perspective, J Spine Neurosurg Vol: 12 Issue: 1

Fast Growing Recurrent Grade I Meningioma: Benign Tumors

William Ford*

Department of Spine Surgery, University of New York, New York, USA

*Corresponding Author: William Ford
Department of Spine Surgery, University of New York, New York, USA

Received date: 04 January, 2023, Manuscript No. JSNS-22-57541;

Editor assigned date: 06 January, 2023, PreQC No. JSNS-22-57541 (PQ);

Reviewed date: 20 January, 2023, QC No. JSNS-22-57541;

Revised date: 27 January, 2023, Manuscript No. JSNS-22-57541 (R);

Published date: 07 February, 2023, DOI: 10.4172/2325-9701.1000141

Citation: Ford W (2023) Fast Growing Recurrent Grade I Meningioma: Benign Tumors. J Spine Neurosurg 12:1


Meningioma is primarily seemed as benign tumors, accounting for 13% to 26% of all number one intracranial tumors [1]. A meningioma is a number one important anxious system (CNS) tumor. This method it starts with inside the mind or spinal cord. Overall, meningioma is the maximum not unusualplace sort of number one mind tumor. However, better grade meningiomas are very uncommon. These tumors are commonly now no longer cancer (benign). This method that in contrast to cancerous tumors, they do not generally tend to unfold to remote components of the body. But due to its place, a meningioma can nonetheless reason neurological problems. As those tumors grow, they are able to compress the mind and spinal cord, main to extreme symptoms. According to 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) classification, meningioma are categorised into grade I (benign), II (atypical), and III (anaplastic). Meningioma are neoplasms derived from arachnoidal (meningothelial) cells. These lesions can arise in human beings of any age however normally found in center age [2]. Women are much more likely to increase a meningioma, with a female/ male ratio of about 2:1 intracranially and 10:1 withinside the spine. Three even after entire removal, meningiomas were anticipated to recur in 10 to 32% of the instances inside 10 years. However, recurrences in grade 1 meningiomas are uncommon and arise after lengthy period. Four we herein document a case of grade 1 meningioma that recurs very rapid, with inside the period of one year and the recurrent length of tumor became approx. instances the scale of number one. To our information only a few instances withinside the literature has been said with any such rapid developing grade 1 meningioma [3].


Sinus meningioma

A forty five years female, case of proper cavernous sinus meningioma operated 1 year again, became admitted to our branch of neurosurgery with altered sensorium for final 20 days. Simpson grade III excision of the tumor became achieved 1 year again. The histopathology document of first surgical treatment became transitional meningioma grade 1 with MIB index 10-12%. After the primary surgical treatment post-operative experiment well-known shows gross general excision of tumor and affected person went again without a deficits. Now after 1 year affected person gift to us in altered sensorium, proper decrease motor neuron paresis of facial nerve and paresis of decrease cranial nerves over the proper side. MRI Brain undeniable with assessment became achieved which well-known shows a massive recurrent mass lesion extending from proper cavernous sinus to ipsilateral cerebellopontine attitude attaching to the petrous bone with gross hydrocephalus. As the affected person offered in altered sensorium, affected person became intubated, placed on ventilator and emergency ventriculoperitoneal shunt became achieved. Subsequently proper retromastoid suboccipital craniotomy and tumor decompression became achieved and part of tumor in the cavernous sinus became left behind. Histopatholgy document once more got here out to be transitional meningioma. Post operatively affected person endured on ventilator, tracheostomised and after few days step by step weaned from tracheostomy. At the time of discharge, affected person became conscious, oriented, following instructions and taking walks with support.

Recurrences in grade 1 meningioma are uncommon and arise after lengthy period. In our case affected person had recurrent grade I meningioma and that too in only 1 year and now tumor has grown to any such massive length that it had prolonged to proper cerebelloopontine attitude displacing the midbrain inflicting mass impact and hydrocephalus. To date only a few instances has been said in literature wherein the grade 1 meningioma recurs in any such brief c program language period and of any such massive length. Recurrences in grade 2 and grade three are not unusual place.

In the look at via way of means of Gallagher, the median time to recurrence/development became 60 months (variety 6 to 134 months) and some other look at achieved via way of means of Ildan, the imply time to recurrence became 60.5 ± 27.9 months (variety, 28 to 114 months) for benign meningiomas and 39 ± 14.5 months (variety, 28 to sixty eight months) for malignant meningiomas [4,5]. Despite entire general resection, 7-20% of benign (Grade I), 29-40% of atypical (Grade II), 50-78% of anaplastic (Grade III) meningioma recurrence [6].

The elements worried in tumor recurrence, aside from tumor grading are quantity of surgical treatment, age, gender, and place and mind invasion. Meningiomas in adult males and kids have a tendency to be competitive and recur extra than in females [7,8]. However, Ildan, et al. and Adegbite et al. said that age and gender has no impact on proliferative activity [9]. Location became one of the elements implicated in recurrence. Meningiomas of the cranium base and tumors near main sinuses have been said to have an excessive proliferative index and have been related to recurrence. Bitzer, et al. and Ide et al. said that massive tumors have been extra susceptible for recurrence than smaller tumors, as massive sized tumors have been related to a better prevalence of tumor infiltration and adherence to arachnoid membrane and the adjoining mind tissue [10]. Nakasu, et al. determined that lobulated tumors recurred extra regularly than spherical tumors.

Gallagher, et al. said that five year Recurrence/Development Free Survival (RPFS) for Simpson grade 1 became 96.8%, 2: 100%, 4: 82.4% and 5: 0%. Simpson grade and gross general/sub general resection have been considerable predictors of recurrence with maximum of the recurrences going on within side the subtotal resection institution and only some going on in sufferers who underwent general removal.

The typical mortality amongst recurrent meningiomas became 9.7%, and recurrence-associated mortality constituted 75% of all meningioma associated mortalities within side the collection via way of means of Guarnaschelli, et al.


Recurrence in grade 1 meningioma is uncommon. Recurrence is not unusual place with subtotal resection of meningiomas. The predicting elements for recurrence in this situation have been subtotal resection, primary tumor place (cavernous sinus) with excessive MIB index. A everyday radiological comply with up have to be achieved in those sufferers, in order that recurrence might be recognized at an early length without inflicting extra effect on affected person’s widespread condition.


  1. Liu Y, Song DP, Wang T (2017) Meningiomas with different histological grade in the same patient: Case report. Medicine 96:e9086. [Googlescholar][Crossref][Indexed]
  2. Guarnaschelli JJ, Stawicki SP (2008) Brief communication: Recurrent brain meningiomas. OPUS 12 Scientist 2:32-34. [Googlescholar]
  3. Commins DL, Atkinson RD, Burnett ME (2007) Review of meningioma histopathology. Neurosurgical Focus 23:E3. [Googlescholar][Crossref][Indexed]
  4. Ildan F, Erman T, Göçer AI, Tuna M, Bagdatoglu H, et al. (2007) Predicting the probability of meningioma recurrence in the preoperative and early postoperative period: a multivariate analysis in the midterm follow-up. Skull Base 17:157-171. [Googlescholar][Crossref][Indexed]
  5. Gallagher MJ, Jenkinson MD, Brodbelt AR, Mills SJ, Chavredakis E (2016) WHO Grade 1 meningiomarecurrence: Are location and Simpson grade still relevant?. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 141:117-121. [Googlescholar] [Crossref][Indexed]
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  9. Adegbite AB, Khan MI, Paine KWE, Tan LK (1983) The recurrence of intracranial meningiomas after surgical treatment. J Neurosurg 58:51–56. [Googlescholar][Crossref][Indexed]
  10. Bitzer M, Wöckel L, Morgalla M (1997) Peritumoral brain edema in intracranial meningiomas: influence of tumor size, location and histology. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 139:1136–1142.
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