Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical DiagnosisISSN: 2325-9590

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Perspective, J Vet Sci Med Diagn Vol: 12 Issue: 5

Role of the Veterinary Technician in Animal Care

Darragh Duffy*

Department of Immunology, Institute of Paris, Paris, France

*Corresponding Author: Darragh Duffy
Department of Immunology, Institute of Paris, Paris, France

Received date: 12 April, 2023, Manuscript No. JVSMD-23-95334;
Editor assigned date: 14 April, 2023, PreQC No. JVSMD-23-95334 (PQ);
Reviewed date: 28 April, 2023, QC No. JVSMD-23-95334;
Revised date: 12 June, 2023, Manuscript No. JVSMD-23-95334 (R);
Published date: 19 June, 2023, DOI: 10.36648/2325-9590.100066

Citation: Duffy D (2023) Role of the Veterinary Technician in Animal Care. J Vet Sci Med Diagn 12:5.



Veterinary technicians play a crucial role in animal care. They work alongside veterinarians to provide medical care and treatment to animals in various settings, including veterinary clinics, research facilities, animal shelters, zoos, and farms. The role of veterinary technicians is varied and encompasses a range of responsibilities, including animal handling, nursing care, laboratory work, and client communication. In this essay, we will discuss the role of the veterinary technician in animal care in 700 words.

One of the primary roles of veterinary technicians is to provide nursing care to animals. They assist veterinarians with physical exams, administer medications, and perform diagnostic tests. They also provide post-operative care and monitor animals during anesthesia. Veterinary technicians are responsible for monitoring the animal's vital signs, including heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature. They ensure that animals are comfortable and well cared for during their stay at the clinic or hospital.

Another essential role of veterinary technicians is to provide support during surgical procedures. They prepare the surgical suite and equipment, assist the veterinarian during the surgery, and monitor the animal's vital signs during and after the procedure. Veterinary technicians are also responsible for providing post-operative care, including administering medication, changing bandages, and monitoring the animal's recovery.


Veterinary technicians are also involved in laboratory work. They collect and prepare samples for diagnostic testing, perform laboratory tests, and interpret results. They also maintain laboratory equipment and ensure that it is in good working order. Veterinary technicians are responsible for maintaining accurate records of laboratory results, which are essential for diagnosis and treatment planning.

In addition to their technical skills, veterinary technicians also play an important role in client communication. They interact with clients and answer their questions about their pet's health and care. They provide instructions on medication administration, wound care, and other aspects of treatment. They also assist with scheduling appointments, preparing estimates, and processing payments.

Veterinary technicians are also responsible for animal handling. They are trained in safe and humane animal restraint techniques, which are essential for providing medical care and treatment. They must be able to handle animals of all sizes, from small rodents to large livestock. Veterinary technicians also ensure that animals are comfortable and well cared for during their stay at the clinic or hospital.

Veterinary technicians play a vital role in animal welfare. They are trained to recognize signs of pain and distress in animals and take appropriate action to alleviate their suffering. They also play a critical role in preventing animal abuse and neglect by educating pet owners about responsible pet ownership and reporting suspected cases of animal cruelty.

In addition to their technical skills, veterinary technicians must also possess certain personal qualities. They must be compassionate and empathetic, as they work with animals in pain and distress. They must also be detail oriented and able to work independently and as part of a team. They must have good communication skills, as they interact with clients, veterinarians, and other members of the veterinary team.


In conclusion, veterinary technicians play a critical role in animal care. They provide nursing care, support during surgical procedures, laboratory work, client communication, animal handling, and play a vital role in animal welfare. Their technical skills, combined with their personal qualities, make them essential members of the veterinary team. The veterinary technician's contribution to animal care cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in improving the health and well-being of animals.

Palliative care is an approach to care that aims to improve the quality of life of patients facing a serious illness. This care is provided through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and assessment of symptoms, timely management of pain and other physical, psychosocial, and spiritual problems.

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