Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & TreatmentISSN: 2324-8947

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Rapid Communication, J Trauma Stress Disor Treat Vol: 12 Issue: 4

The Effectiveness of Work Stress and Psychological Resilience among Adolescents during COVID 19

Chantal Prins*

Department of Psychological Science, School of Social Ecology, University of California Irvine, Irvine, California

*Corresponding Author: Chung Yat
Department of Psychological Science, School of Social Ecology, University of California Irvine, Irvine, California

Received: 27-March-2023, Manuscript No. JTSDT-23-95102;
Editor assigned: 28-March-2023, PreQC No. JTSDT-23-95102 (PQ);
Reviewed: 11-April-2023, QC No. JTSDT-23-95102;
Revised: 18-April-2023, Manuscript No. JTSDT-23-95102(R);
Published: 25-April-2023, DOI:10.4172/2324-8947.1000353

Citation: Yat C (2023).The Effectiveness of Work Stress and Psychological Resilience among Adolescents during COVID 19. J Trauma Stress Disor Treat 12(3):353

Copyright: © 2023 Yat C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges, including disruptions to everyday life, economic uncertainties, and increased stress levels for people of all ages. Adolescents, in particular, have been significantly impacted by the pandemic, as they navigate the challenges of remote learning, social isolation, and increased responsibilities at home. The combination of these stressors has raised concerns about the effectiveness of work stress and psychological resilience among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this essay, we will explore the impact of work stress on adolescents during the pandemic, the role of psychological resilience in coping with stress, and strategies to enhance resilience among adolescents [1].

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes in the lives of adolescents, particularly in their educational experiences. With the widespread closure of schools and the shift to remote learning, adolescents have had to adapt to new modes of instruction, often with limited access to resources and support. This shift has increased academic stress, as adolescents struggle to manage their coursework, maintain motivation, and cope with the challenges of online learning. The lack of face-to-face interaction with peers and teachers has also resulted in increased social isolation, leading to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, the closure of extracurricular activities and disruptions to future career prospects has added to the uncertainty and stress among adolescents [2].

Research has shown that work stress, defined as the perceived discrepancy between the demands of the work environment and an individual’s resources to cope with those demands, can have negative effects on adolescent mental health during the pandemic. Adolescents who experience high levels of work stress may be at risk for developing mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. The increased workload, lack of social interaction, and uncertainties about the future can contribute to the accumulation of work stress, leading to adverse psychological outcomes.

However, psychological resilience, defined as the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity, can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of work stress on adolescents during the pandemic. Resilience can buffer the negative effects of stress by helping individuals develop coping strategies, maintaining a positive outlook, and fostering social support networks. Resilient adolescents are better equipped to manage the challenges of remote learning, cope with uncertainties, and maintain psychological well-being despite the disruptions caused by the pandemic. Several factors can contribute to the development of psychological resilience among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, social support from family, peers, and teachers can be a crucial protective factor. Adolescents who receive emotional support, encouragement, and guidance from trusted individuals are more likely to develop resilience and cope with work stress effectively. Family communication, peer interactions, and virtual connections can all play a significant role in fostering resilience among adolescents [3].

Second, self-regulation skills, including emotional regulation, cognitive flexibility, and goal-setting, can enhance psychological resilience. Adolescents, who are able to regulate their emotions, think critically, and set realistic goals are better equipped to cope with work stress and adapt to changes brought about by the pandemic. Selfregulation skills can be developed through mindfulness practices, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and problem-solving strategies. Third, a positive mindset, including optimism, self-efficacy, and a sense of purpose, can foster resilience among adolescents. Adolescents, who believe in their ability to overcome challenges, have a positive outlook on life, and find meaning in their experiences are more likely to cope effectively with work stress. Promoting positive thinking, encouraging a growth mindset, and fostering a sense of purpose can all contribute to enhancing resilience among adolescents [4].

In addition to these individual factors, the role of the environment and the support systems in which adolescents operate also plays a crucial role in fostering resilience during the pandemic. Schools, communities, and policymakers can implement strategies to support adolescent resilience. For example, schools can provide virtual counseling services, organize virtual extracurricular activities, and offer academic support to help adolescents cope with work stress and maintain their well-being. Communities can create safe spaces for adolescents to connect with peers, engage in physical activities, and access mental health resources. Policymakers can prioritize mental health services for adolescents, allocate resources to support remote learning, and implement policies that promote resilience-building strategies in schools and communities. Furthermore, promoting healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and balanced nutrition, can also contribute to adolescent resilience during the pandemic. These lifestyle factors have been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and can help adolescents manage stress more effectively. Encouraging adolescents to engage in physical activities, practice good sleep hygiene, and consume a healthy diet can contribute to their overall resilience and well-being.

It is important to acknowledge that not all adolescents may have equal access to resources and support systems to cope with work stress and develop resilience during the pandemic. Disparities in socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, and cultural factors can impact an adolescent’s ability to cope with stress and build resilience. Therefore, it is essential to consider and address these disparities to ensure that all adolescents have equal opportunities to develop resilience during these challenging times. Research has shown that psychological resilience can be effective in mitigating the negative impact of work stress on adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adolescents who possess higher levels of resilience are more likely to cope effectively with the challenges brought about by the pandemic, including remote learning, social isolation, and uncertainties about the future. Resilient adolescents are better able to manage their emotions, adapt to changes, maintain positive outlooks, and seek support when needed.

Psychological resilience can also have long-term benefits beyond the pandemic. Adolescents who develop resilience during this challenging period are likely to carry these skills into adulthood, helping them navigate future adversities and challenges. Resilience is a valuable psychological resource that can contribute to an individual’s overall well-being and success in various areas of life, including education, career, and relationships. However, it is important to note that resilience is not a fixed trait, but rather a dynamic process that can be developed and strengthened over time. Adolescents can be supported in building resilience through various interventions, programs, and strategies that promote healthy coping skills, positive mindset, and social support. Building resilience requires effort from both individuals and their support systems, including families, schools, communities, and policymakers, working collaboratively to create an environment that fosters resilience among adolescents [5].

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for adolescents, including increased work stress due to disruptions in education and daily life. However, psychological resilience can be an effective strategy for adolescents to cope with work stress during the pandemic. Resilience can be developed through various factors, including social support, selfregulation skills, and a positive mindset. Moreover, the environment and support systems in which adolescents operate play a crucial role in fostering resilience. Schools, communities, policymakers, and families can all contribute to promoting resilience among adolescents by providing resources, support, and opportunities for healthy coping strategies. Enhancing resilience among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic is not only beneficial for their well-being in the short term but also provides them with valuable skills that can benefit them throughout their lives. It is crucial to prioritize and invest in the psychological resilience of adolescents to help them cope with work stress and navigate the challenges of the pandemic and beyond.


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