Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic TechnologyISSN: 2325-9833

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Opinion Article, J Electr Eng Electron Technol Vol: 10 Issue: 10

The Italian Neo-Pictorial Movement

Marco Milone

Film Producer, Administrative Director, the Nemesis, Italy


Marco Milone will introduce us to the most important section of Italian independent animated movies, investigating how a movement can born without a real source or date. In fact, what is strange about Italian neopictorial animators is that thet seem to have started working on different projects in fully autonomy, without sharing or confront themselves about style or themes. In a world dominated by the need to show themself, there are still artist which seeks out to create artistich projects, and that most of all they decided to go back to the original source of painting, rejecting computer graphic, and evocating the origins of animated movies which has started through the abstract animation of Ginna e Corra. If we can indentify a leitmotif in artist who hasn’t worked together, the surprising thing arise from the understanding that this group of artist are the only one Italian that are giving a real contribute to the state of innovation in the world’s cinema animation.

Keywords: Neopictorial animators, Computer graphic


Marco Milone will introduce us to the most important section of Italian independent animated movies, investigating how a movement can born without a real source or date. In fact, what is strange about Italian neopictorial animators is that thet seem to have started working on different projects in fully autonomy, without sharing or confront themselves about style or themes. In a world dominated by the need to show themself, there are still artist which seeks out to create artistich projects, and that most of all they decided to go back to the original source of painting, rejecting computer graphic, and evocating the origins of animated movies which has started through the abstract animation of Ginna e Corra.

international publisher, scitechnol, subscription journals, subscription, international, publisher, science

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