Editorial, J Virol Antivir Res Vol: 9 Issue: 2
Virology & Antiviral Research 2020 Editorial Note
Jared D Evans
Department of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Corresponding author: Department of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics University of Pittsburgh, USA
E-mail: Jared@oevan. ca
Received: April 25, 2020 Accepted: May 03, 2020 Published: May 10, 2020
Citation: Evans JD (2020) Virology & Antiviral Research 2020 Editorial Note. J Virol Antivir Res 9:2
The Journal of Virology &Antiviral Research, Scitechnol publication, is an international journal which published articles globally in the prime field of Virology, Microbiology, Viral Immunological and its applied fieldsand research advancements in the discipline. Its is an open access and peer reviewed journal handled by eminent Editorial Board and the manuscripts are peer-reviewed by potential reviewers according to their research interest.
Keywords: AIDS Research Anti-Viral Drugs Anti-Viral Research Clinical Virology Hepatitis Diseases HIV Virus/ Retrovirus
Scope of the Journal
The scope includes study and recent advancements of research developments and technologies used to produce with or within the viral and antiviral by or within microorganisms and products through biological transformations of bio-based, renewable materials, etc.
Virology: Viral immunologicalstudieslike host-virusinteraction, host defenses, replication and maturation studies of virus, etc. and different types of viral-associated diseases, viral oncology studies antiviral studies on both cancer causing diseases and normal viral diseases special references to HIV, hepatitis virus along with antiviral drugs studies on validation, immunology impacts on the host and present scenario on viral structure, viralgenetic. ViralInfection:
Viral infection is a disease that can be caused by different kinds of viruses such as influenza virus which is best known. Most of the infection spread through the vectors, indirect mode or direct mode of transmission.
Viral Therapy: Viral Therapy or virotherapy in which using of non-pathogenic viruses helps in to deliver a gene of interest or viral therapeu
Anti-Viral Drugs: Anti-viral drugs are a broad classification of medication of viral infection which ability decreases the ability virus replication to reproduce, unlike the antibodies it never destroys pathogen instead of decrease or inhibit the development.
Viral Treatment: Most of the viral infection hard to treat because it doesn’t have any vaccination and antibodies doesn’t show an impact on viruses. In the moment of infection treated with drugs by blocking the mode of replication by arresting the RNA polymerase or DNA polymerase enzymes which are the main role for the viralreplication
Hepatitis: The word of hepatitis derived from the Greek word hepar means liver titis means inflammation. Hepatitis diseases second most deadly after the AIDS. Hepatitis is a viral which attacks the immune system of the liver which leads to the inflammation of the liver.
Applied Strategies
We have applied many strategies, i.e.
• Using contacting through Mobile (Whatsapp) phones
• Sent Call for papers for the eminent in the field
• Approaching the Editors suggested eminent
• Approaching potential reviewers for the Call forpapers
• Maintaining the frequency of articles.
Upcoming Strategies to improve Journal
We are coining Special Issue on “Antigens & Antibody pairs of SARS-CoV-2/(COVID-19)”. We are providing a platform for the research aspirants who can submit their manuscripts under the scope.This scope falls under Clinicalvirology.
• We strive to improve readers for the published respective article in various social media platforms like Twitter, Linked in, etc.
• We are approaching people from core Laboratories, research institutes, investigation labs and departmental Universities for call for papers as well as related journals.
• We are sending timely Call for papers for the respective countries according to their timelines.
• We are also available to the authors through Whatsapp to respond fast.
We are thankful to our Editor-in-Chief Dr. Jay C Brown, for his continuous support and dedication towards the journal and heartful thanks to our Authors, Editorial & Review board who have been supporting for the continuity of Journal and by actively participating in review process