A new way to counter autoimmunity and infections

Katia Lollai

University of Rome, Italy

: J Regen Med


The present study is focus on the support that the Acupuncture can offer in syndrome bi and, in general, in rheumatic disease, in persons molested by a stalker and in people with EHS (electro-sensivity), produced by electromagnetic contaminations. The Ehs is a condition in which adults and children develop intolerance to radiation from wirless technology device and infrastructure such as cell phones, wi-fi, wireless utility “smartmeters” and cell towers and antennas. Brain and breast cancer, fertility problems, autism, have been associated with exposure to radiation from wi-fi technology. The final part investigated stroke. The oral presentation will demonstrate how dr Lollai, with the constant use of Acupuncture, in its different combinations (moxa, acuus, auricoloterapy), made possible to remove anesthetic medicines and cortisone, made spirit peaceful and make antibodies ana negative, supporting organism to survive to serious infections. The report will be supported by protocols used and photos and medical examinations.


Katia Lollai has studied acupuncture at University of Rome. She studied phitoteraphy too in the same place. She partecipated to the Master of acupuncture supervised by Dr. Aldo Liguori, the fondeur of acupuncture in Italy. Then she studied at many conferences and began the pupil of dr. Mario Sorrentino, teacher in Acupuncture at University of Rome and famous acupuncturist in Italy. The wellknown platform on line e-lotus allowed her participation to many webseminars about acupuncture. Some years ago Katia founded the facebook’s group “Secrets of Acupuncture shared in every part of world” to share her knowledges with acupuncturistes of any continens and culture.

E-mail: katialollai@hotmail.it

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