A valid and reliable tool for assessment of patient education: nurses patient education role assessment scale
Emine Senyuva, Hulya Kaya and Gulbeyaz Can
Istanbul University Florence Nightingale Nursing Faculty, Turkey
: J Nurs Patient Care
Statement of the Problem: In the last years, changes and developments in the health care system have increased the importance of nurses' role in patient education. However, in the literature, there were no valid, reliable assessment tools to evaluate the nurses' role in patient education. The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable instrument that will enable to assess the nurse behaviors during the patient education processes. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: This methodological study was performed from June 2016 to February 2017 at 2 university hospitals, 2 private hospitals and 2 education and research hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey. 583 of 2915 nurses working in these hospitals, agreed to participate to the study. All of them stated that they give formal and informal patients education. The scale items were developed by researchers depending on literature and expert opinions. The hospitals and Ethics committee official permissions and informed consent by participants were obtained prior the study. The IBM SPSS 21.00 program was used for data analyses. Descriptive statistics (number, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and psychometric analyzes (item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency coefficient) were done. Statistical significance level was accepted as p<0.05 for analyzes. Findings: Most of the nurses have a Bachelor's degree. The mean age of the nurses was 32.77±7.71 years. 59.0% of them are working in the Internal units, 41.0% are working in surgical units and the average working year was 11.23±8.48 years. 75.0% of them were clinical nurse and only 0.5% of the nurses are working as a patient education nurse. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value for Nurses’ Patient Education Role Assessment Scale’s was 0.96. The 42-item draft scale represents 63.37% of the total variance. 4 factors as (1) Identifying Teaching Needs, (2) Diagnosis and Planning, (3) Implementation, (4) Evaluation and Documentation with factor loadings above 0.45 were separated. The Cronbach-alpha reliability coefficients were between 0.78-.95 for the subscales and 0.97 for scale. Conclusion: It was determined that the Nurses’ Patient Education Role Assessment Scale’s is a valid and reliable tool to evaluate whether nurses apply patient education in accordance with patient education process.
Emine Şenyuva completed her PhD Education in 2000 at The Health Science Institute of Istanbul University. She is Lecturer at Istanbul University Florence Nightingale Nursing Faculty, Department of Nursing Education. Her professional interested areas are distance education programs, web based education for nurses and patients.