Assessing the attitudes and behaviors of nursing students according to caring nurse-patient interaction scale
Ozen N, Tosun N, Cinar FI, Bagcivan G and Yasar Z
Istinye University Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.
Hasan Kalyoncu University Faculty of Health Sciences, Gaziantep, Turkey.
University of Health Sciences, Gulhane School of Nursing, Ankara, Turkey.
Gulhane Training and
: J Nurs Patient Care
The aim of this study was to assess the attitude and behavior of nursing students in their clinical experiences, in terms of nursepatient interactions. It is a descriptive study that has been conducted in a School of Nursing from November to December 2013. A sample of 200 nursing students who had consented to participate in the study had been used. Caring nurse –patient interaction scale (CNPI) and questionnaire were compiled and formed by researchers and used as a means of data collection. It was observed that there is a direct positive correlation between the CNPI scores and the attitude and behavior of nursing students. An analysis of the scores from the CNPI showed that total score for the importance was 337.63±23.18, for competency 293.41±34.99, for realism 290.85±42.11. When the scores from the CNPI were converted to percentages, it was observed that, among the attitude and behavior in clinical applications that were presented in CNPI, the nursing students felt; the importance level as %96, realism of application as %83 and the level of their own competence as %84. Nursing students who stayed overnight at the hospital or accompanied patients and students who had clinical experiences in surgical clinics were less susceptible to problems in their interactions with patients and they were observed to display more positive interaction skills. It is proposed that nursing programs should be improved as to provide the students with necessary skills to constructively and effectively interact with the patients.
Nurten Ozen has completed her PhD from Gulhane Military Medical Academy School of Nursing in Turkey. She is Assistant Professor at Istinye University, Faculty of Health Science in Istanbul, Turkey. She is interested in intensive care unit infections, nutrition in intensive care, hemodialysis, dialysis adequacy, vascular access in hemodialysis, evidence based practices. She has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member.